Using Your Cell Phone to Trick Her Into Adoring You

“She’ll be happy to read her praise in the message”
For a lot of us, using a cell phone can get us into trouble. We send messages that we shouldn’t be sending and forget to delete them along with the photos. Sometimes we even have strange numbers stored in our contacts that may make women suspicious. What some guys haven’t realized is that we can also use our cell phones to trick women into thinking we are adorable. If they are already dating us, we can use our cell phones to make sure that they can never tell if and when we are up to something. All it takes is a little bit of acting and a couple of text messages.
Brag About Her Via Text Messages
One of the quickest and easiest ways to trick her into adoring you is for you to simply send her text messages but to pretend as though you were sending them to someone else. This is ridiculously easy to do, and chances are she will fall for it. You want to make sure that these text messages don’t mention anything about her body or about any sex you may have had with her. Instead, you want to texts to talk about how beautiful, smart, and funny she is.
When you send the messages make sure you are addressing a friend that you know or make one up. She should never think that you are just trying to be cute or that you were trying to flatter her. You want the messages to seem sincere and like you are texting someone who isn’t her. Do not text her afterward and tell her that you sent them to the wrong person. Let her text you back. If she doesn’t, never bring it up.
Accidently Call Her

“Pretend talking good about her to your friend”
Similar to text messaging her, you can also “accidentally” dial her number. If you have ever picked up the phone only to hear voices but no one actually speaking to you, this is usually because it was an accidental call. You want to do the same thing to her, but you want to make sure that you talk about her and that you say nothing but good things.
All you have to do is call her like you normally would, but make sure you hold the phone down and nowhere near your mouth. If possible make sure the TV or some other noises are playing in the background so that it gives a more authentic feel of being accidental call. Afterward, you should start talking about her either with a friend or pretending that you are talking to one. Say kind things about her and try to compliment her on different things. Make sure your words sound real and not like you are performing for someone. If you listen carefully you may hear her calling your name at the other end of the phone. You should not answer her if you can hear her calling you. Just keep talking and wait for her to hang up.
These are two very simple ways to trick her into thinking that you speak fondly of her whenever she isn’t around. Knowing this will make her adore you and will typically keep you on her good side.