Why Having Pets Makes You More Desirable to Women
Women are always looking for reasons why they should choose to date one man over another. If you know what women are looking for in men, you will have the best chance of being chosen over the rest. One of the things that can help you to stand out from the crowd is to own a pet. While having fish is cute and all, this is not the kind of pets women are attracted to. The majority of women are looking for guys who have a dog, cat or something exotic. If you can mention in your profile you have at least one of these kinds of pets, you are more likely to have a response from woman. Posting pictures of you and your pet will be even better for helping you to have the kinds of responses you are looking for.
Showing Her You Have a Dog

“Post some pictures with your dog on your online profiles”
Dogs are normally an instant way to attract women. This is a great way to meet women in a park, because they will want to pet your dog, giving you something to talk about and start a conversation. Of course, if you have a dog and she has a dog, you can set up a date just going to the dog park together. Women love guys who have a dog, because it shows your ability to care for a living thing. True, these kinds of women are generally the kinds of women who will eventually want to have children, but it does not mean they will want to have them with you.
Your Cat Can Get You Laid
Cats are a pet some women get very excited about because cats show you have a feminine side. Like it or not, cats are feminine animals, and when you can show you are in touch with your feminine side, it can make you very desirable. Additionally, some women prefer guys who have a cat because they will not have to worry about the awkward experience of the dog coming in during an intimate moment. Keep this in mind when you are thinking about whether you should mention what kind of pets you have.
Women Adore Exotic Animals

“Impress women by keeping an exotic pet”
Exotic animals can be a huge draw to certain women. You will love the kinds of women your python will attract. For some, just the curiosity of being around an exotic animal will make them want to come over your place. The more exotic the animal is, the more likely it is women will want to find out what it is like to be in your home. Just remember, you will need to display just how safe you have made your home, even with the exotic pet. Having an alligator is interesting to women, but if you just let the alligator roam free in your home, they will only want to see the alligator through pictures.
Remember, pets are a way to show women you are not the average guy trying to get into their pants, so pull it off right and you will have a better shot.