Safe Dating: Why Escorts Are Always a Bad Choice

“Thinking of hiring her to escort you?”
When you are looking to get out in the dating scene, you need to pay attention to who you are dating in order to get what you want in life. Of course, the biggest problem you will run into is there are times you want to just get laid and it seems like none of your approaches to women are working. You will be tempted to hire a prostitute to simply get laid. This is a big mistake for many different reasons. Not only will this create the idea you don’t have to treat women with respect, you can catch a disease and you can be robbed or worse. This is why you are always better off just staying at home and watching porn than ever calling an escort to get laid.
Treating Women with Respect
One of the best ways to make sure you can get laid whenever you want to is to always treat women like women. You can’t do this if you are of the mindset you can simply pay a woman to get what you want when all else fails. It will cause you to see women as less than moral creatures you can just do whatever you want to with. Take caution when you think about hiring an escort, because you want to still at some point have a relationship that is about more than just sex, and this can get in the way.
Catching a Disease

“Its not just you, she has done the same with many men”
There is no easier way to catch a disease than with someone who makes their profession sleeping with people. No amount of wearing condoms can fully protect anyone from contracting a disease. When you sleep with an escort, you are putting yourself at higher risk than with any other woman you will ever sleep with in your life. While some low-level diseases can be treated with things like antibiotics, others cannot be treated and will lead you on the road to death, like AIDS. Keep in mind some of these women sleep with over 10 guys a day, and you will not be the first guy on the list most days.
You Can Be Robbed or Worse
Escorts are not the most ethical of people to begin with. After all, these women have chosen to make their living selling their body to desperate guys who have no other way to get laid other than to pay them to have sex with them. It is not too uncommon for escorts to rob the people who are paying to have sex with them. Depending on local laws, you exactly bring charges against an escort for stealing your money and she knows this. She feels pretty confident she can get away with all your money and she is right. These are all very good reasons why you are so much better just staying the course in trying to meet the kinds of women who want to be with you just for fun, not for money.