Three Signs She’s Looking for Kids… With You

“Come let’s have kids”
When you’re looking for a simple fling, there are things you have to watch out for. Some women are totally ready for casual sex and they’re looking for the same things you are. But there are also women that say one thing, and really mean another. It’s hard to figure out exactly what a woman means when she says she’s into you. Play it safe and watch for the signs that she’s looking for more than a fling.
She Seems Like She Wants More than Dinner
A woman looking for a more significant connection than a hookup is going to be more demanding. If she orders the most expensive thing on the menu, you know you’re dealing with a feisty lady. That’s only one of the many details that you can notice to figure out what she wants.
First Date Small Talk
Whatever she decides to talk about is what you should stick to. Pick up her lead about what she wants to talk about, and then go from there. Don’t try to be inventive and make up new topics. Let her lead so you can see what her deal is. Even if she doesn’t have an agenda in mind, she probably has a few deal breakers that she’s not into.
Don’t be that guy that falls into the trap, and listen to what she wants. It’ll do you worlds of good if you’re interested in going anywhere beyond the first date with her.
Interpreting Her Intentions
Once you make a good impression, though, it’s time to be really clear about what you’re interested in. If she’s into casually hooking up, you’ve hit the jackpot. If not, then proceed with caution, if at all. You have to be careful when it comes to women who are reserved with their goals and intentions. If a woman seems to be playing coy, then be careful. You should remember what you’re interested in and keep going for it.
Telltale Signs of Wanting More

“She’ll tell you not to use a condom”
If she asks you when you meet on a regular basis, just say no. Additional engagements tend to lean toward things such as wanting to know when you’ll have holiday time off, wanting to accompany you to holiday parties, and just generally seeming to want to appear as your girlfriend.
Be especially careful that she understands that’s not in your plans. Clarify your stance on serious commitments, and tell her that you’re not looking for serious holiday engagements or any other special occasion. You can tell if she’s interested in you long-term if she starts to make plans around what you’re doing. Stop this immediately if you’re not doing the same, and tell her the truth. There’s no point in leading a delusional woman along. Be honest, and don’t’ pretend that you want more than you do.
Desperate women are everywhere, and you just have to be vigilant than they’re looking for the same things you are. The fact of the matter is, to ignore harassment and go with your own instincts.