Watching Porn: Why You and Your Girl Should Watch It Together
If you have ever been caught watching porn, it has probably set it in your mind all women hate porn. In fact, this is the opposite of how most women view porn. Honestly, one of the highest demographics of people watching porn is women. However, this does not mean women want you to watch it without them. They get turned on by watching it with you, so make sure you suggest it to her soon. There are a few reasons why women enjoy watching porn with you: she sees what turns you on, she gets ideas of what to do and it gives her permission to be as naughty as she wants to be. This is a great way to get her to get in bed and release her wild side. So, crank up the computer and load up some porn for you and your woman!
She Sees What Turns You On

“She’ll automatically come to know what you like and dislike”
Women enjoy making their men feel satisfied sexually. As you are watching porn together, she can see exactly what it is you get turned on by. If she sees you are turned on by women with blonde hair, she will want to run right out and buy a blonde wig. Also, if she sees you are turned on by the idea of a threesome, she may be interested in asking you about the possibility of having a threesome with her and another woman.
Give Her Some Ideas
The things which turn you on are just the start of the way watching porn together can help you to have more fun with your woman. She will also find things that turn her on. She will get ideas for things she may want to try as well. Since you are both watching porn together, she will feel comfortable telling you something looks like fun and maybe she wants to try it with you. No matter what she is turned on by, do not shoot her down. Make sure you are open to suggestions, even if you are not all the way turned on by what she is suggesting. You are not going to be the first guy to tell her sex with two women at once turns you on, so cut her some slack when she is turned on by something you are not into.
Tap into Her Naughty Side

“Learn new sex positions and try them on your bed”
The more you watch porn together with your woman, the more she is going to be willing to explore her wild side. Every woman has a wild side she wants to bring out. Make sure you are making her feel as comfortable as possible and encourage her to keep bringing out the kinky things she wants to try and before you know it, she will be recommending porn she wants to watch. She will be thinking about sex as much as you do and ways you can explore your sexuality together. It is a fun way to open up the bedroom and make it into a playground for both of you.